Below are two lists that show stats on first names of people in our family tree, one list shows names
that are shared with other people in this family tree, the other list shows names that are not shared by others in the family tree. Since the family tree is not 100% correct, you may find your first name is spelled incorrectly. Once you request a copy of the family tree from me, please review your information and please email me with any corrections.
I will first list some statistics that I have calculated but may not be completely acturate, but may be close.
1) There are 815 people in our family tree and 182 have died.
2) I have listed below a summary of first names that are shared with others in our family tree.
16 people have a first name of Thomas ,
15 Richard, 13 James, 12 John, 11 Robert, 11 Joseph, 10 Michael, 9 Brian, 8 William,
8 Mary, 8 Mark, 8 David, 7 Daniel, 6 Victoria, 6 Rose, 6 Kevin, 6 Jessica, 5 Steven, 5 Kyle, 5 Christopher, 5 Charles, 4 Susan, 4 Stephen, 4 Sarah, 4 Nicholas, 4 George, 4 Erin, 4 Ann, 3 Susanne, 3 Sean, 3 Scott, 3 Ryan, 3 Peter, 3 Patricia, 3 Morgan, 3 Matthew, 3 Lisa,
3 Lawreace, 3 Kelly, 3 Kathleen, 3 Katherine, 3 Johnathan, 3 Jennifer, 3 Heather, 3 Gregory, 3 Frederic, 3 Emily, 3 Elizabeth, 3 Craig, 3 Corey, 3 Cindy, 3 Christine, 3 Carol, 3 Austin,
3 Anna, 3 Alice, 2 Zachary, 2 Virginia, 2 Victor, 2 Tyler, 2 Tracy, 2 Teresa, 2 Stephanie,
2 Shirley, 2 Shannon, 2 Roy, 2 Ronald, 2 Rodney, 2 Robin, 2 Roberto, 2 Rebecca, 2 Paul,
2 Olivia, 2 Nathan, 2 Natalie, 2 Mike, 2 Melissa, 2 Lynn, 2 Lon, 2 Lawrence, 2 Laura,
2 Larry, 2 Kristi , 2 Kristen, 2 Kenneth, 2 Kayla, 2 Katelyn, 2 Karen, 2 Julie, 2 Joyce, 2 Jon,
2 Jodi , 2 Jerry, 2 Jason, 2 Janet , 2 Janelle, 2 Jackie, 2 Jack, 2 Glenn, 2 Gary , 2 Gail, 2 Frank , 2 Francis, 2 Ferris, 2 Edward, 2 Eric, 2 Dorthy, 2 Donald, 2 Diane, 2 Deborah, 2 Debbie, 2 Dakota, 2 Corrine, 2 Clay, 2 Cheryl, 2 Catherine, 2 Caleb, 2 Brenda, 2 Bradley, 2 Bernard, 2 Barbara , 2 Anthony , 2 Angela, 2 Andrew, 2 Amanda, 2 Adele, 2 Adam, 2 Abby
The following is a list of first names that show only once within th family tree.
Abdula , Abigal, Acari, Addison , Adrienne, Agnes, Akel, Albert, Alec, Alek, Albert, Alexandra, Ali, Allison, Alivia, Allie, Anastasia, Andrea, Anita, Anne, Asma, Ashley, Autumn, Ayla, Beckey, Bertha, Betsy, Betty , Bill, Billy Joe, Bonita, Brad, Brandon, Brandy, Brennan, Brent, Bret. Brett, Brigitt, Brooke, Bruce, Cade, Cadence, Calab,, Caleb, Calee, Cameron, Cara, Carl, Carly, Carolyn, Cassandra, Cathy, Celeste, Celia, Cenda, Chad, Chandler, Chase, Chester, Cheyenne, Christina, Cindy, Clara, Clay, Colby, Coleman, Colin, Collette, Collin, Conner, Connie, Connor, Cora, Cosha, Craig, Christie, Dale, Dan, Danielle, Danille, Darey, Dawn, Day, DeEtta, Della, Denise, Derrek, Diana, Don, Donna , Doris, Dylan, Edgar, Edmond, Edward, Edwin, Eileen, Elda, Eli, Elise, Elzie, Erica, Ethan, Eugene, Everett, Faith, Floyd, Frances, Fred, Freda, Frend, Frozia,
Gariett, Gavin, Gertrude, Gigi, Gillian, Glenda, Graden, Griffin, Haebib, Hannah, Harvey, Helen, Henry, Hobbett, Holly, Hope, Howard, Hunter, Ian, Ida, Isabelle, Jaclyn, Jacob, Jacqueline , Jade, Jamie, Jared, Jasman, Jayme, Jean, Jett, Joan, JoAnn, Joe, Joey, Jon, Jonita, Josephine, Joshua, Jude, Judith, Judy, Julie, Justin, Justina, Kailab, Kaitlin, Karl, Kathryn, Kathy, Katlyn, Kei , Kelliegh, Ken, Kerry, Kersten, Kierston, Kimberd, Kimberly, Kristi , Kurt , Lacey, Larry, Lauren, Lawarence, Lawrence, Leanne, Leona, Les, Lesley, Leslie, Linda , Lloyd , Lola, Lorane, Loren, Lori, Lydia, Mac, Madalyn, Madeline, Madison, Mae, Mara, Marcella, Marcia, Marcus, Margaret, Margarett, Marie, Mario, Marilyn, Marion, Marlene, Martha, Martin , Maryann, MaryLou, Maureen, Maurice, Max, Maxine, McKye, Megan, Mel, Melanie, Melinda , Melissa, Merissa, Michelle, Mildred, Miles, Molly, Monica, Moses, Nancy, Neal, Neil , Nichol , Nicolas, Nicole, P. Richard, Paige, Patrich, Paxton, Payten, Peyton, Raymond, Regina, Rex , Rhonda, Rita, Roberta, Rod, Roger, Rollin, Romaine, Ron, Rosemary, Rsk, Russell, Sada , Samantha, Sara, Seth, Shane, Sharon, Shauna, Shelley, Sheridan, Sherry, Sheryl, Silas , Sophia, Sophie, Spero, Stacey, Steve, Summer, Tabitha, Tami, Taunuis, Tera, Thelma , Tiffany , Tim, Timmy, Timothy, Tina, Todd, Tom, Tonya, Traci, Tucker, Uylesses, Valerie, Vance , Vanessa, Vasiliki, Velvet , Vincent, Vivian, Wanda, Wanetta, Woodrow, Yesma, Yevonne , Zenobia, Zoud
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